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Discusiones generales / Listen to Online Radio Metropol FM
« en: Marzo 03, 2023, 09:03:42 am »
The first Turkish-language television station to arrive in Berlin, Metropol FM was founded in 1999 and has since become an important part of German media culture. In contrast to the Turkish public broadcaster Radio MultiKulti, which closed in 2008, this commercial joint venture aims to provide a wide range of music and news programmes. You can access the station at

To this end, the station has used the latest internet technology to deliver its content to listeners around the world. This allows for a high-quality, easy-to-listen audio experience.

For young people who grew up in Istanbul and other Turkish cities, listening to Metropol FM is often an essential part of their daily commute, whether they are driving or simply sitting with friend. It was a reassuring sonic addition to the urban setting that had become their default, an audible connection between them and their homeland.

Although the radio is clearly oriented towards entertainment, it still provides useful information and advice on important issues for migrant families. For example, it offers many free Turkish courses to help parents and their children learn the language.

It also teaches English to students from Turkey who want to improve their German skills. It also provides a service that helps people find Turkish restaurants in their area.

By using the latest technologies, Metropol FM can not only deliver a great listening experience, but also help shape the public's imagination for the audience. In this sense, it is an important component of the German multicultural broadcasting that is becoming increasingly competitive with its migrant-oriented counterparts in the commercial sector.

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